Friday, March 09, 2007

Air on skin.

I remember when it use to feel nice, something as simple as air on skin, then a light breeze would blow by and it got better. There are more things I can try and effort left to give, I want to stay positive.

It's getting into summer now and the weather's really begun to change, it's not at all bitter in the mornings, still a bit crisp but a nice crisp, getting up into the mid 80's in the afternoon. I want to get out rollerblading at night while it's nice and cool. I'm looking into a nearby aquatics center as well for it's lap pool. They also have a complete gym so if things start working well with swimming I'll be set to start lifting again. I'm hoping the work in the pool will help strengthen my joints up.

Life will still be rough for awhile, but I've turned it around before. I need to set my mind to it and I know I can do it.


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