Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Those first few strides,

Today's schedule was rather hectic, but at that I had time for myself to be able to make it to the gym right after coming home for lunch. I didn't go. Unfortunately I ended up actually thinking about it, and that's what got me. Thinking about how it's different now then sometime back when I first began lifting and training steadily and seriously. How when I lift now things pop and I get pains I've never gotten before, lifting less. How my skin's discolored in areas it wasn't before and how I don't feel too great after the session. How I know the difference first hand. It's the most dangerous thing one can have with themselves in this regard, the memory of something different, of a preferable outcome to something that was there before but no longer, I have this, the memory. I attempt the same cause but have yet to reach the same effects. You see, before I wasn't looking for anything, I was simply doing something, now I'm constantly looking for the outcomes I once knew, chasing them, shadows in my memory and catching nothing but acidic air.

I had a moment to sit while waiting to leave for the bus, all packed and ready. I began to call a friend of mine, but I had to think about it. I shouldn't have let myself. I should have either made the call or not made the call. For whatever reason I laid back a moment, kicked my legs out and closed my eyes, I was tired, but not about to sleep. I wanted to take it all in, like it would help or something. I entered one of those 'awake dreams' and within the briefest of discernible moments I was jogging in my mind, and after but the first few strides I tripped as I often do in these and woke to brace myself against a fall that never came. I turned to see the time and it was ten till, ten till the bus departs, I always set out ten till the bus departs giving me plenty of time to get there, and at this exact time is when I awoke. And I still didn't leave.

I hate it, I have this dream all too often; while setting down 'just for a moment' as I did here, or while turning in for the night, its the first dream I come to, tripping, whilst running, in the first few strides. Somehow its all too symbolic.

Staying wasn't any better. I think I'm waiting for the move to pick things up again. Waiting to get the go ahead to start running again. Waiting to see some doctors on some other issues.


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