My Day Today.I remember reading something sometime after that, had a couple of the words still strung together and was able to pull the direct quote through a quick net search which follows:
Why would I want to go day-to-day?
Why wouldn't I?
What is day-to-day?
Day-to-day is a day without loss, no gain, just a day. Every instance of the day is held in pristine detail, no element lost with no need to ever reach any instance.
Why am I here?
I am here because I am not anywhere else.
What do I want?
To be satisfied in knowing the answer. How can I want to be happy?
What is my happy?
Simple. Air feels good. One moment exits without ceasing. I eat to eat and to be able to eat again. I sleep to sleep and be able to sleep again. These things are natural and no strife is required. These things are meaningless without everything else.~Dixon
Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water, and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.~Alan WattsWell this is where I understood the quote to have originated from, Watts, his was a quote as well however it seems, an excerpt from a work of his he cites as being from "the great T'ang master Lin-chi" and reads in full:
In Buddhism there is not place for using effort. Just be ordinary and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water, and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.I see this shortly after and it hurts:
It's been another year, I just haven't seen what I wanted to from myself. Technically better but I don't fell a damn bit of it, I know this isn't true but I can't write what is, because if I did I would begin asking myself another host of questions that I don't have answers to. Funny, people figure me an upbeat guy, sure, he's around when they are, or some such.In the landscape of Spring there is neither better
nor worse;The flowering branches grow naturally, some long,
some short.