Sunday, June 25, 2006

The present distance...and the coming monsoon.

I'm going out to CA again soon as I wrote about earlier, it's 'again' as I've been for last Christmas. I was looking forward to that Cali coastal air back in December, I suppose it was there but it's hard to recall, cool breezes haven't felt good on my skin for a long time. I remember what it felt like on my feet here in the desert years back, when a gust would come along and the wind would pick up, even in triple digits it was a nice feeling. Nowadays sandals or not I'm just not able to bring myself to 'feel' it. I'll be in CA in few weeks again sure, really though just like for X-Mas I'll be somewhere else, roaming through my mind trying to mimic what I once knew as natural.

Hoping it rains a bit before I get out of there, monsoon season has yet to kick off (it doesn't usually roll around till mid July), and even though I'm not running right now due to some knee pains (I've been sticking to a stationary bike and swimming, we'll see) I'd like to kick out a few before I drive out, would be nice to run along right after a light drizzle at least. There's some isolated storms lined up for the next ten days here and there, low chances though.

Most people don't like the rain I imagine, I rather enjoy it. Rain to me means people are huddling up under awnings and crowding their friend's umbrellas. Extended heavy rains could get to me I suppose, I wouldn't know as I haven't really been exposed to that kind of weather, maybe for a bit back in Boston, but even then I came to enjoy it. I loved hanging out back of my grandmother's house and checking out how all the bugs were handling the weather right after a storm came by, ants scurrying about with their young moving to higher ground, I can still remember playing with little puddles and setting up makeshift damns with leaves and twigs under the water runoffs for the roof. Her house would swell up during the rains and I thought it gave the interior a more cozy feel. Granted I could do without the humidity, and of course monsoon rains here in AZ come with a lot of dangers: dust storms people don't know how to drive or what to do in, high MPH winds costing millions in damages and persons lives, but overall I guess I've managed to retain a child-like fascination with it.


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