Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Very Merry Christmas Indeed...

On the day we were to leave for Phoenix, my little cousin was playing inside a small box, just her size, early that morning. He leened in and lent me a little something and I sucked up what I could to carry it out. Pushing her about the floor sounding off like a train, 'Chugga-Chugga Chugga-Chugga' I yelpped, 'Choooo-Choooo' I received in return and around and around the rooms we went. 'All aboard!' we cried as well pulled up to her mommies new Bichon Frise mockingly. 'No dogs allowed' I whisper her, 'No doggies allowed!' she barks at him, and around we went again.

My little cousin is growing up so fast, almost three months since the last time I saw her but I say there's a big difference. Talks a bit differently, uses a larger vocabulary and I'm more easily able to understand her. She still has her 'don't touch me' and crying moments whenever someone tells her 'No', then again she is just forty-two months old so I can cut her a little slack...but not for long missy!

I enjoyed Christmas weekend with my family in California, it was nice spending time with them. We didn't get to go ice skating Christmas Eve like we had last year as per their long standing tradition, but we did do the Christmas Eve Taco Dinner, which as awkward as it sounds, is beginning to grow on me.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas too!


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