Monday, March 19, 2007


I went to a house party this week, right in the middle of spring break too which worked perfect (I had a lot of house work and miscellaneous chores to catch up with, not to mention a few hundred pages of reading and two exams to prep for). People were coming and going all night, there were a steady twenty or so; pool, movies, basketball on TV. Early into the evening we gathered around a long coffee table to play a few intimate games. We played some card games, we played a 'story game' each taking turns adding a passage to rotating scrap paper to read aloud as it returned to its original author. Later someone introduced a rhythm hand game.

Crossing arms with the persons to your left and right with your hands stretched out afront, palms down, the game is to keep in play by continuing the tap rhythm. There are a few different tap gestures you can do to mix it up and try to get people out and things can get quite hectic, especially if people aren't paying attention.

As I began to cross my arm with the girl to my right I felt awkward and as we touched I realized what it was; touch.

It had been so long since I had been embraced by one of my own peers, let alone touched. For years I had been left alone and it is there I confined myself. Its absence had grown so strong in me. With nothing sexual about it, simply how powerful that kind of acceptance is, she wasn't making any effort to keep away from my arm as she lay hers atop just as casual as anything else. It was nothing for her, merely some dumb game she introduced to help pass the time and a great excuse to laugh. Myself I'm going to need a good deal more of that if I'm going to break out of this and ever feel free again - what little and however briefly I knew of it.

I remember now a friend of a friend, someone I had only recently been introduced to, asking for a hug as we were heading off to our respective buses after school. I'm not sure I understand why but I had declined, she got rather upset by this and I recall her walking away. That was over nine years ago. Thinking about it today I really should have given her that hug.


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