Friday, January 30, 2009

Lies, Lies, Lies, All Lies.

It is here at 1:30am that I, while designing a website for a small community, realize what I want to do. As I comb over another edit, aligning paragraphs and fiddling with fonts and colors, I long to be creating something meaningful, something I would actually enjoy, something my small group and I talked about but never brought into fruition, creating a community site for a missions trip to Mexico.

Another semester has begun and with it another lie uttered to my small group, they once again believe I am enrolled in classes at GCC, alas I am not. I'm here at home, all day, most everyday, not doing much of a damn thing. It is out of sheer boredom that I began the website, trying to organize a group of pirated game players together online; it's not what I want to be doing.

I've been going through another hellstorm of self loathing and abuse, I'm deeply depressed and have been since last June.

I can't carry on like this much longer.

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