Friday, February 23, 2007

Work Work Work

This office was computer generated, could you tell?
"Office" by Jaime Vives Piqueres (2004)

I've taken up work at my school (GCC) as an office assistant through the federal work study program. It's been going alright, I have a lot more job duties then a typical office assistant, as when I started there wasn't much of an office to begin with. I've had to stock everything and now I'm working on sorting and filling a mass of paperwork for the head of the agriculture department. The gentleman I work for is a great guy but has absolutely no organizational ability whatsoever, so I'm left sorting through folders that open up to a myriad of different contents: class rosters and grade sheets in with equipment manuals, invoices and petty cash slips are stuck to minutes for conferences in Nevada and Alaska, every time I upon up a folder or interdepartmental envelope it's a surprise. It's slow, arduous, and tediously painful work, but I'm getting through it. Students working the the deportment above us, applied tech, sit there doing homework and relaxing most of their time, answering a phone or running and errand here and there when need be, but mainly they get to read their textbooks and complete class assignments. I have to get in and out of their building often and I see them there and sometimes when I do it pops up in my mind and I realize that I have a set pay amount I can earn a semester, after which point I'm technical fired, with no chance of promotion, raise, or advancement with my employment. I know I will learn a lot by working there, and I'm not about to give anything less then my best effort, I don't want to think I'm being cheated because of how difficult my job is compared to that of my peers, so I'm trying to keep a good perspective.


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